Maryland Reentry Resource Center

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Maryland Reentry Resource Center

Maryland Reentry Resource Center is a nonprofit organization working to reduce recidivism rates throughout the state of Maryland. Maryland Reentry Resource Center offers the vital direction and support needed for a successful transition from incarceration into the community through soft skills education, mentorship and individualized case management services. Resources are provided to those both currently and previously incarcerated or otherwise impacted by incarceration. Reentry plans vary greatly for each individual, but resources may include access to steps for family reunification, healthcare and general wellness support, mental health services, stable housing opportunities, substance use and addiction treatment, transportation, reading and writing workshops, finance training, continuing education, and assistance locating sustainable employment. Case managers will assess the needs of each client, coordinate the necessary services and care, monitor and evaluate progress, and advocate to fill in the gaps of support coverage. Contact Maryland Reentry Resource Center directly for more information on their services.

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