OIC of New London County, Inc.

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OIC of New London County, Inc.

OIC (Opportunities Industrialization Center) of New London County, Inc. is a community-based non-profit organization that has been providing education, supportive counseling and job placement services to low-income, underserved residents of New London County. OIC's Project Employment Re-Integration Program assists ex-incarcerated people in re-integrating back into the community through education, training, and employment. Individuals who enroll in Project Employment receive assistance with job skills training, individual vocational counseling, and job placement assistance. The Project Employment Re-Integration Program is a 90-day commitment. Participants must enroll in the organization’s six-week Learning Academy (employability “soft skills” courses) program. Individuals get to train in one of the organization’s vocational training programs or they have the option to begin job placement services. Each enrolled Project Employment participant will also receive one week of workshops specifically geared to addressing those issues that affect ex-incarcerated people from obtaining and retaining gainful employment. 

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