Paulist Prison Ministries

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Paulist Prison Ministries

Paulist Prison Ministries seeks for all prisoners the peace that Christ’s love and truth alone provides. Paulist Prison Ministries began in 1994 by Fr. Thomas Comber, CSP as a way to bring the resources of faith to prisoners. Developing newsletters in English and Spanish (Let’s Talk/Hablemos), distributing bibles, and creating other literature, Fr. Comber’s efforts eventually reached over 900 prisons.

Today, as one of the few Catholic organizations that serve prisons, they continue to reach chaplains in over 500 prisons. They regularly receive letters from both incarcerated people and chaplains expressing gratitude for the material they receive and testimonies about the good this material does. Tens of thousands of newsletters, thousands of Bibles, thousands of pamphlets and booklets reach prisoners each year.

Paulist Evangelization Ministries provides prison chaplains with quarterly newsletters, both English and Spanish bibles, a Catholic learning guide, rosary pamphlets, master sheets for prayer cards and more.

Contact Information

1200 Varnum St Ne, Washington, District Of Columbia, 20017

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