Parenting Corners

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Parenting Corners

Parenting Corner is part of the Parenting Link project, which provides resources to parents in public spaces and state correctional facilities. Each parenting corner has specially designed brochures which offer information specific to those who frequent each space, as well as one page documents and flyers about key aspects of parenting. Additionally, each parenting corner contains tear off cards that community members may use to ask specific questions of Parenting Link staff, as well as a box where individuals can drop the cards for delivery to the organization. Parenting Corners are currently available in 21 correctional facilities across Missouri. Each one of these corners offers offers information about social services, organizations and support opportunities for incarcerated parents. This includes programs that facilitate parenting classes, pen pal projects, and other services designed to help justice involved individuals reconnect with their children. For more information about specific services, contact the organization directly.

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