Changed Choices

Section Title

Changed Choices

Changed Choices is a community based organization dedicated to providing support for formerly incarcerated women. They offer programs for women during incarceration in the Meckenburg County Detention Center, as well as pre-release programs up to two or three years before reentry and programs for women who have already returned to the community following incarceration. Women at the Meckenburg County Detention Center have access to evidence based classes that pair women with mentors and prepare women to address potential barriers to reentry. Pre-release programs focus on ensuring a successful transition from incarceration into the community with an emphasis on individualized mentorship and a specific plan that prepares each individuals for reentry based on their needs and abilities. The Re-entry Program focuses on support services for women who have already entered the community and require support to ensure permanent reentry. For more information about specific services, women should contact the organization directly.

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