Tag: First Step Act Activities
Here to Help: Exhaust Your Administrative Remedies
There are a lot of questions about FSA time credits, but one thing is clear: you must exhaust your administrative remedies.
READ MOREExplainer: Unanswered Questions About FSA Time Credits
There are a lot of questions about FSA time credits out there right now. Here’s the best information we have in less than 1,000 words.
READ MOREWhat Do I Do If My FSA Time Credits Aren’t Calculated Correctly?
The BOP started applying FSA time credits earlier this year, but what if they haven’t calculated your time credits correctly?
READ MOREExplainer: Courts Can’t Make Up Minds About FSA Time Credits
Courts have been providing guidance on challenging the BOP’s calculation of FSA time credits. So far, it’s been useless.
READ MOREWill Federal Courts Fix The BOP’s Calculation of FSA Time Credits?
You have probably earned a lot of FSA Time Credits by now, but challenging the BOP’s calculation of those Time Credits will be hard.
READ MORECan Noncitizens Earn First Step Act Time Credits?
We’ve received many questions about if noncitizens can earn First Step Act Time Credits. The answer is no, but you can earn other incentives.
READ MOREPetition Calls for BOP to Start First Step Act Time Credits
Interrogating Justice has joined a national press release and petition calling on the BOP to start counting First Step Act time credits now.
READ MOREWhat Programs And Activities Qualify Under The First Step Act?
Incarcerated people can earn time off their sentence under the First Step Act, but what programs and activities qualify for time credits?