Tag: Violence

Explainer: The Never-Ending Crises in Georgia’s Prisons

Georgia’s prisons have become the home for crises: discrimination, sexual assaults, violent assaults, homicide suicide and more.


What Kinds of Violence and Harassment Can Happen in Prison?

It is true that different kinds of violence and harassment do happen in prison. But they aren’t a certainty. If you go to prison, you may experience these things.


What Can You Do If a Prison Guard Is Being Violent?

Prison systems allow guards to use force to control prisoners. But laws do not allow for the use of “excessive force.” The line between what is acceptable force and excessive force is not always well-defined.


How Do You Report Harassment and Violence in Prison?

There are a few ways that you can report harassment and violence in prison. How you report it depends on who hurt you. And you may not always want to report it.


Will You Face Harassment and Violence in Prison?

Most people do not face harassment and violence in prison. But incarcerated people experience these at a much higher rate than people outside. You are more likely to face these issues in prison.


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